Somehow I seem to have grown a social life which is lovely but really bad timing as I have also started regularly going to the gym and a new job! This means I am pretty much exhausted all the time! It probably isn't all that much but it feels like a lot since I have been so 'in my shell' (and curled up on my bed) for a long time. I have had some big weekends but usually very quiet weekdays, and yet at the moment it feels like I am barely home which is great. I want to adapt to this busyness and then keep adding to it. For too long there has been a divide between how I want my life to be and the life I am living and I finally feel like I am moving along the way for bridging the gap.
Anyway, here are some pretty pictures of Orla Keily and Lena Horscheck's new collections......

Taken from the lovely
Sally Jane Vintage's site because that is where I saw them first!
These pictures below are my favourites from Lena Horscheck's Spring-Summer 2011 lookbook but the whole thing can be found
here. I got these pictures from
Q's Daydream Vintage, and the runway pictures can be viewed in glorious detail