I will not be just a tourist in the world of images, just watching images passing by which I cannot live in, make love to, possess as permanent sources of joy and ecstasy. -Anais Nin
All the things I love and get geeky seem to be about are the stories that people tell and the journey those stories take to be told. For example a few months ago I listened to the musical Spring Awakening for the first time and to say it affected me would be an understatement, it got put on immediate repeat.
This it turns out it just the beginning, I am now a huge fan of the people who created the show and acted in it and it feels like tumbling down a rabbit hole trying to keep up and find out all the other things that they have been involved with. It continues to be a fantastic way of finding new music and stories and lives being lived but as much as I have connected to it and to other people through the Internet and am so glad it exist it has caused me to question something. How much this enthusiasm for something such as this is actually a stunting force in my life if I find it has become something that is not shared by those directly in my life? And is the observance and admiration of people and their work only beneficial if I take that energy and enthusiasm and fuel it to do something myself in that field? Can you get so lost in the joy of something created by others that you lose the opportunity to do something yourself?

Do you find that enthusiasm for something brings you together or sets you apart? If you find your ecstasy in the deeds in others is it merely an opiate for what if clear headed you could achieve yourself? I chase the creeping shadows of my depression away with the stories of others but does it leave me with no story of my own?
1 Oddbill
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