Monday, 8 February 2010

Radical Self Love

I am taking part in the lovely Gala Darling's month of Radical Self Love. Beginning this month I promise to my self to keep moving forward, to live openly, honestly and healthily.

So to that end I have started this blog (something I have been considering doing for a while) and been giving things some thought. So here's me:-

I'm 26, I live in Manchester with two housemates (more on them later). I'm interested in films, reading; I get geeky about a few TV shows and love hanging out with my best friend who lives about 4 hours away. Over the past year or so I have started getting more interested in clothes and am learning, slowly, to make my own. I have had issues with depression in the past and social-anxiety at the moment. Also I suffer from seasonal affective disorder but this year wasn't so bad thanks to Bertie, my light therapy box. And yes, I name technology.

So there. That's more than my current workmates know about me.

Also this1 is a brilliant :-

1 Found at


  1. welcome to the blogosphere :) have fun!

  2. Thank you so much! You have such a fantastic blog and this welcome means a lot :-)
