There was a horrible creeping moment when I logged in and saw my last entry was in May AND that the lovely
Nicki has left a comment telling me she had done a wonderful, kind thing for me! (Thank you so much, I am so sorry I have been so remiss as to not be around to appreciate this in a timely manner!)
I don't know what happened, I was working on a review post having watched Taking Woodstock and it just never got finished. Time went past; I went to work, I did some sewing, I went to Glastonbury, I went to see my friend, I watched movies and went walking in the glorious sun (that lasted all of 2 weeks and now the sky is full of rain) and I stayed away from the computer. The reasons I started doing this are still here and the blog world is still a part of how I want to grow and change, I know I'm very new at this and I know I'm not doing the best job but I am back! Thanks for sticking with me x